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Gift giving tips thanks

In life, there are many aspects of giving gifts of appreciation. In appreciation of these gifts is carried out to help others, so great emphasis on the gift of choice its material value.


Gift of equal thickness, depends primarily on the nature of the help of others to help mentally and physically divided into two categories. Material assistance is often visible, can estimate. The spiritual help is invisible, immeasurable, but its role would be quite large.


Gift of equal thickness also depends on the purpose being to help to see if he is generous and selfless help, or has other, only that real selfless help, really is worth the reward.


In addition, also depends on the help of the time. Under normal circumstances, distress see the truth, therefore, time to get help, the future reward is the most important measure to others.


In other situations, you may have the wrong thing for your apology, words of apology that is sometimes difficult to export, this time, with a small gift can express your heart apology.

A thanks gift


Letter of thanks

Sent along with your gift  


Car or a small animal model

Make sure each other’s favorite models, carefully packaged send


Indoor plants

Allow the other party’s home full of vigor and vitality


Calendar, calendars, desk calendar, calendar, etc.

Preferably sent after the special day marked


Cloth, or coupon

Simple and direct gift  



And relaxation, meditation, guided the accident would be favored discs


B apology gift


Write a letter of apology

Put into a film, concert tickets envelope


Apology cards

You deliberately put into the purchase of stationery, the beautifully packaged and make


Tie a handkerchief or a flower

A friendly, said, of course, bring your apology


Biscuits, chocolate, cakes, etc.

Your hand to give each other baked foods is the best gift  to express regret


Printed with “I’m sorry” card

Hard to tell you “sorry” written on the card, with Firefly pen “I’m sorry,” marked, but also apologize for drawing a look your Dagongzuoyi


Beautiful book covers and bookmarks fine

When you forget to take the book back to him, may wish to personally make such a gift, even with the return of the book and said sorry


Turntables cleaners, tapes

If you have not had time to have borrowed record, such as send a gift to express regret



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